The Abia Police Command said it has arrested two suspects in connection with the alleged murder of two brothers, Bright and Victory Osuagwu, in Osisioma, near Aba. The command’s Spokesman, SP Geoffrey Ogbonna, confirmed the arrest on Thursday. Bright and Victor, aged nine and seven, were allegedly strangled to death in their house in Osisioma on Good Friday, while their parents, Mr Chima Osuagwu and wife, were away. Ogbonna said the principal suspect, Chukwuebuka Nnamani, was arrested with the help of his alleged accomplice, one Amanna, who was caught by people in the neighbourhood while attempting to burgle the house of the deceased’s parents. He said that Amanna, who allegedly aided Nnamani to kill the boys, returned to burgle the Osuagwu’s house. He said that the deceased’s parents were reportedly rushed to hospital after they suffered shock from the murder of their two children, leaving their house empty. Ogbonna said that Amanna, who lived in the same neighbourhood, took adv...
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